Monday 18 July 2011

Giant Egg Ahead!

DAY 10 on the Road to Yellowknife: 
Saskatoon, SK to Edmonton, AB (531 km)
Running total: 4858 km

As a total aside... 

Eli just looked at the screen and saw the title of the post and said, "Giant Egg Head??"

Yes.  That's you.

Really, I meant this:
But more on that below!

We woke up and were on the road by 8:30 am. 

We're getting really good at mobilizing early!
We had a relatively short drive today, and the Saskatchewan/Alberta border surprised us at this intersection!
We wonder if half the town of Lloydminster pays Saskatchewan tax and the other half pays Alberta tax?
We stopped at a McDonald's. 

Our first time on this trip. 

It was rainy, and we thought that the girls might like to burn some energy in the Play Place. 

But, it was closed, and they had no Happy Meal toys. 

Luckily, the girls really don't mind at all, and were happy with this creative corner in the dining area.
The girls got to eat on a train!
The skies cleared as we kept on going in Alberta.
Isn't it fun how each province has its own landscape?
We're pretty sure this water is not supposed to be there...
Certainly not so high. 

The prairies are really quite flooded still.
This is Eli in a valiant search for a rest area for yours truly.... and check out what we stumbled upon!
The girls LOVED it!  Who wouldn't??  It's a giant rotating EGG!
It's in Vegreville, AB, and it was designed and installed for the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh in 1978. 

It's a Ukrainian Egg!!
There was also a retired train to play on!
And a totally awesome playground. 

Seriously. Awesome. Stop.
They had these wild spinning things that were propelled by the girls just sitting on them.

This is "G" just before she began to holler for help to stop it. 

It goes fast!!
It was a love/hate relationship with these toys... the inexplicable pull to get dizzy, and the fear of falling off from speed and/or dizziness.
The swings were an excellent follow up. 

Much more mellow.
It really was the sweetest park. 
I wish we could have stayed even longer!
But we had an important meeting in Edmonton...
Daddy's boat!
If possible, I think the girls were more excited than Daddy,
and THAT is saying something!!
Exploring EVERYTHING, and planning a fishing trip!
I think he has a new lady in his life...
So, here is our route to Edmonton. 

Our seventh and last province on this trip.

It's pretty much just north and twirls from here.

Tomorrow we are staying in town to visit with a very special family. 

I'll post pictures, naturally, once they are taken!

Oh, and I promised the girls real cowboy hats!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a sweet stop! I can just imagine the girls elation at the giant egg and then the awesome park! Pretty darn cool. Enjoy your "special" visit!! -Monique

Anonymous said...

You are right about the taxes! Laura (EPA) works in that town...and she gets paid by Edmonton School Board...but Sask. makes the rules? confusing! Nice Boat Eli! I hope I get to go fishing in it in the future!

Anonymous said...

Just when you thought you had seen it all... rotating eggs! :) Keep the posts comin'! :)

Shannon said...

Thanks for the comments, ladies! It's been a really cool adventure every day with the girls, and they have adjusted so well.

Marianne, my understanding is exactly what you said: the schools are paid by the Alberta side and follow the Saskatchewan curriculum. It's a pretty neat situation, and it's interesting how they manaage it.


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